You Choose

Give students a choice on what type of assignment they want to do to practice skills to increase engagement.

Allowing students to choose the type of assignment can increase their sense of autonomy which is more motivating than simply being told to do something.

Strategy summary:

When providing opportunities for students to practice skills, create different types of work for a single assignment so students can make a choice as to which to complete.

How to:

  1. When creating a practice assignment, create two different types of assignments in which students can then choose from.  For example, in a math class, students could choose between doing straightforward math problems or do word problems.  In English class, students could write definitions and sentence for new vocabulary, or write and illustrate a story using the words.

  2. Track the choices student are making and the rate of completion.  Talk with students about these.


I have done this with in-class activities and homework. I have been keeping track of the assignment completion totals where I give a choice on homework for all four of my freshman Algebra 1 classes. So far, the completion percentages for the 4 weeks that I collected data on are as follows:

With Choice:  84.43%

Without Choice:  77.39%

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