Email invitation

This email template provides suggested language for inviting teachers to a growth mindset professional learning series.

Email Invitation Template

Greetings colleagues!

I recently learned that Stanford University's PERTS center is offering online resources to teachers who want to change their students' mindsets about learning. Their Mindset Kit ( describes research showing that students’ beliefs about intelligence can have a big impact on their motivation. Even better, it offers research-based recommendations for changing students' mindsets in ways that make them more motivated to learn—recommendations that you can easily tailor for your own students. I am writing to invite you to join an upcoming professional learning group to explore together how we can bring this work into our school.

You can watch their first short (less than 3 min) video—What is a growth mindset? (

Please let me know if you are interested in participating. [ADD SPECIFICS IF YOU KNOW WHEN AND WHERE YOU WILL BE MEETING].


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